Wired News: Tech Chiefs Defend Overseas Jobs
Wired News: Tech Chiefs Defend Overseas Jobs: "Sen. John Kerry, D-Massachusetts, introduced a bill in November requiring service representatives to disclose their physical location each time a customer calls to make a purchase, inquire about a transaction or ask for technical support. The proposal targets the increasingly popular decisions by companies to move their call centers overseas to capitalize on low labor costs. " ......
CEO statements in the artilcle above are outrageous.... it may take awhile, but there will be a major backlash on this attitude.....
This is an eye opener for anyone who works for ANY multi-national corporation.
CEO statements in the artilcle above are outrageous.... it may take awhile, but there will be a major backlash on this attitude.....
This is an eye opener for anyone who works for ANY multi-national corporation.
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2004/01/wired-news-tech-chiefs-defend-overseas.html |

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