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Sunday, March 28, 2004

Make the Facts Public !!! ...

By Zardoz Z. Bachman

Richard Clark during an interview on Meet the Press conducted by Tim Russert this past Sunday, has really done some damage to the White House. It paints a very disinterested picture on terrorism leading up to 9/11. What will be missed in the hoopla was discovering where the same interest was during the Clinton years ? This will be damaging for Bush. It is unclear to me what the White House can do except question Mr. Clark's motives. In fact he contradicts himself in writing. Interestingly enough, he said he will be willing to let his closed testimony be opened to the public, placing even more pressure on the National Security Advisor, Ms. Rice to do the same !

It will be interesting to see the approach taken by both the White House and the leading Republicans regarding spinning this one ! Not a good weekend for the Bush administration. - zzb

by ZZ Staff | 3/28/2004 11:13:00 AM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Saturday, March 27, 2004

Back Again.. Cheap Labor ... Last Reflections

I have been away on a very hectic business trip. Looks like more pain and consternation for our people. The pressure on outsourcing is fierce. Much to the delight of the Chindians. Chindia you ask ? Yes -- that's the name for the new corporate promised land. Didn't you know? If you are a CEO or a board member of any Fortune 500 company you are staying awake at night figuring how you can get more of your workforce to Chindia ! Land of cheap labor, virtually non existent labor laws, and oh yes, no corporate enviornmental restrictions. Land of milk and honey for amoral corporate greedy !

Anyway... I'm back and will make an effort to keep some of the information fresh for my guests. I'd like to leave the last post behind me and try to get it out of my minds. It has been tough on everyone and have made all of think that we can't pull out. We need to finish what we have started and erradicate this cancer that is spreading throughout the world.

by ZZ Staff | 3/27/2004 02:10:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Saturday, March 20, 2004

Personal Loss .....

By Zardoz Z. Bachman

This morning I learned that my brother-in-law's nephew was killed in Iraq last night. I was notified by my mother-in-law this morning. One of two soldiers. We are not sure of the details yet... Not more than 22 years old! I have to wonder if there is any real understanding or recognition regarding the courage and sacrifice these young men and women are making everday outside of their immediate families? Putting their lives at risk for a cause to protect all of us. It really sinks home when you know the person and watched them grow up. Playing ball with them when they were in grade school. Smiling faces at family get togethers. Listening to the children stories with them. Opening presents on Christmas morning. Sad and tragic beyond words.

Yet I can't imagine the grief from his mother and father. My own son is the same age. It would be unbearable for me. This is the un-thinkable image for any parent yet it is the stark reality of any "war" and the ultimate risk and sacrifice. I must admit this is all beginning to feel very much like Vietnam all over again, with a foggy exist strategy, except now it's our sons and daughters who are living it. No words or deeds my wife or I can say or do will bring back this loss in our family.

Thousands have been killed in the WTC on 9/11 and unfortunatley there will be more sacrificing of lives for the protection of freedom and security. Innocent civilians and yes, those at the point of the spear alike ! We need to see this enemy for what it is. It is not us, nor our political leaders. It is the radical, blackmailing, relentless anarchist in the world that is hell bent on the destruction of our western culture of free speech and individual liberty. This loss in our family circle was offered up to preserve that culture by our collective society. For that we should all be proud, and honor their courage, and that of all of those you have paid the ultimate price to preserve our freedom. Soldier and innocent civilian alike. -- zzb

by ZZ Staff | 3/20/2004 12:30:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Mass Extinction...

Wired News: Mass Extinction Not Inevitable

Two new studies published this week in Science that show steep declines in bird, butterfly and plant populations across Great Britain provide the strongest proof yet that we are in the midst of the sixth great extinction of life.

The British analyzed six surveys covering virtually all of their native species populations over the last 40 years. They discovered birds and native plants had declined 54 percent and 28 percent respectively while butterflies experienced a shocking 71 percent decrease... By Stephen Leahy / Wired News

Could it be that Gaia is trying to tell us something ? Ran across this article in Wired News by Stephen Leahy which compiles some evidence that perhaps a very subtle natural cycle is unfolding. Seems like the delicate balances of life on this planet are beginning to show some signs of stress thanks to one so called "intelligent" species. Check out some of the details in the article. - zzb

by ZZ Staff | 3/20/2004 10:45:00 AM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Thursday, March 18, 2004

Pakistanis May Be Near al-Qaida's No. 2

Pakistanis May Be Near al-Qaida's No. 2: "ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - Pakistani forces believe they have cornered and perhaps wounded Osama bin Laden (news - web sites)'s deputy, Ayman al-Zawahri, in a battle near the Afghan border, three senior Pakistani officials said Thursday, the first major break in the world's most intense manhunt in more than a year. "

With any luck Pakistan will nail this guy, if indeed they do have him cornered. While this is happening the entire world is watching. The Pakastani government is solidly supportive of eradicating this menace, in contrast to the Europeans that seem used to the rest of the world fighting on their behalf and hiding their heads in the sand. The coalition countries not included. France and Germany should take note. - zzb

by ZZ Staff | 3/18/2004 07:06:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Man treated after attempting to nail himself to cross

Man treated after attempting to nail himself to cross
HARTLAND — A Hartland man was treated at a Pittsfield hospital after he nailed himself to a cross. The 23-year-old man apparently was trying to commit suicide Thursday evening in his living room, the Bangor Daily News reported.

Somerset County Sheriff Barry DeLong said Monday that no charges will be filed. "There is no crime here," he said.

Police said the man appeared delusional and told them he had been "seeing pictures of God on the computer." He told them he had not seen the hit movie "The Passion of the Christ," which depicts the Crucifixion of Jesus....

Another example of how insane some of us can become in this country. This poor fellow needs some real professional help. I am sure this was not what Mel Gibson had in mind when making his movie.... nor was it that of the man for which the movie was a tribute!

by ZZ Staff | 3/16/2004 06:53:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Pakistani Troops Kill 24 in Terror Hunt

Pakistani Troops Kill 24 in Terror Hunt: "Pakistani Troops Kill 24 in Terror Hunt

Published: March 16, 2004

Filed at 1:13 p.m. ET
WANA, Pakistan (AP) -- Pakistani troops killed 24 suspects in a fierce crackdown Tuesday on al-Qaida and Taliban fugitives in the rugged tribal regions bordering Afghanistan, the army spokesman said.
At least eight Pakistani soldiers were killed and 15 wounded in the operation.
Troops attacked a large fortified mud-brick compound with mortar and machine gun fire shortly after 5 a.m. near Wana, in Pakistan's South Waziristan region, just a few miles from the Afghan border, army spokesman Gen. Shaukat Sultan told The Associated Press."

We should give Musarif a medal. This guy is taking one hell of a gamble. He knows he is now committed to supporting the fight on terroism for his own survival. If we abandon this fight and him in his part of the world then we have lost all common sense as a country. The EU should take notice. -- zzb

by ZZ Staff | 3/16/2004 06:36:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Sunday, March 14, 2004

Attack Causes Shift Toward Socialist Party in Spain

Anger Over Attack Puts Spain's Socialists in Power "MADRID (Reuters) - Spain's opposition Socialists have swept to power in a sensational election upset sparked by popular anger over the government's handling of a suspected al Qaeda attack on commuter trains that killed 200 people... - Adrian Croft / Reuters"

This turn of events should make a number of Republicans sit up and take notice. There is no doubt that once the word got out that the Spanish government appeared to be using the bombing to implicate ETA that there was a backlash. It appears the backlash was a result of the video tape where Al Queda claimed to take ownership for the Madrid bombings. No doubt the Spanish people felt their government made them a target by supporting the U.S. THIS IS EXACTLY what the terrorists were trying to achieve. Amazing ! This does not bode well for us, as the resultant change in political shift to the left will validate the efforts of the terrorists into blackmailing each country that supports the aggressive elimination of terrorism. What they are doing is exploiting the one paradoxical weakness of democracy. Strike enough fear in the hearts of a large enough number of people, hold them hostage psychologically, and they will choose to "surrender" as a "ransom" by electing the weaker and softer candidate. They strategy will drive more isolationism around the world which in turn can only hurt, not help, the cause of fighting terrorism.

This action by the Spanish people falls right into this terrorist agenda, and predictably, will reinforce in their idea that given enough fear, democracy will choose and elect the softer candidate in an effort to be spared and avoid being a future target. This can be a very alarming trend as now the group responsible for the Madrid tragedy, and others, will see it as a victory ! Wake up Europe.. Western Civilization and culture are the real targets !!!

by ZZ Staff | 3/14/2004 11:42:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Friday, March 12, 2004

We Must Stand United as One World

BBC NEWS | Europe | Spain united in sorrow and anger
Millions took to the streets in major cities across the country in a show of strength that many people have found hard to muster since the bomb attacks.
United, they found their voice and strength of spirit to send a clear message to the perpetrators: "We all died a little inside when those bombs went off - but you will not break us. Together we are strong." -- Dominic Bailey / BBC

These terrorist bastards are the lowest form of cowards and swine scum. They are the embodiement of all that is evil and need to be eradicated even at the risk of setting off a holy war. Where are the so called Islamic "religious" leaders condemming this !!!! Why has not one Mullah raised an outcry for all of Islam to condem this barbarity !!. Fill in the blanks for yourself !

The backlash should be hard and swift if there is any link to a radical Islamic group to force the good Islamic religious leaders to join the rest of the world in putting an end to this instead of remaining in apparent silence. The rational Arab nations need to get their collective act together and take the lead at erradicating this problem or the world will wake up and see what is happening for what it might indeed really be! A clash of cultures and ideology... and yes also perhaps of religious beliefs that look upon these sorts of acts as "martydom"! While most world religions are tolerant... where is the tolerance here if indeed the people responsible for this hide behind their "religion" ? -- zzb

by ZZ Staff | 3/12/2004 07:38:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Tuesday, March 09, 2004

To Understand...

Less than a week after NASA scientists announced that data from the Mars rover Opportunity point to a wet history for the Red Planet, the Spirit rover has found additional evidence of Martian water. The twin rovers are canvassing opposite sides of the faraway planet and are encountering vastly different clues. The latest finding comes from a dark volcanic rock, nicknamed Humphrey, from Mars’s Gusev Crater.- Sarah Graham / Scientific American

While our politcians are busy fighting over who will be the next king-of-the-hill, our American genius is discovering information on the history of Mars. More in persuit of what should be our natural purpose, to explore and to in fact: Understand ! Such that matter can become aware of itself from the smallest parts to the largest and thus perhaps even understand itself! Think about it, especially those of you with an understanding of what I speak ! - zzb

by ZZ Staff | 3/09/2004 08:58:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Monday, March 08, 2004

The Pot Calling the Kettle Black !

Top News Article | Reuters.com
By Patricia Wilson
HOLLYWOOD, Fla. (Reuters) - Democratic White House candidate John Kerry predicted on Monday Republicans would try to "tear down" his character and said some foreign leaders had privately confided they hoped he would beat President Bush.... Reuters

Tear Down
If this is not the pot calling the kettle black ! What have the democrats been doing but tearing down George Bush for the last six months ? John Kerry proclaims today, as reported in Reuters, that republicans will be "tearing down" his character. My god, what would you call accusing someone of being AWOL and a "deserter" without any evidence, if not an attempt at character assassination? The democrats, in particular John Kerry, appear to be good at dishing it out, but can't take any of their own medicine !

In addition, the fact the countries that opposed us the most are supporting and rooting for Kerry over Bush should tell you something. They do NOT want to see a strong America. Note the comments recently heard from North Korean leadership.

by ZZ Staff | 3/08/2004 06:45:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Sunday, March 07, 2004

Martha Stewart's Appeal Won't Be Easy

Martha Stewart's Appeal Won't Be Easy -- Washington Post
NEW YORK, March 5 -- During Martha Stewart's criminal trial, her lead attorney, Robert G. Morvillo, complained repeatedly that the judge had cut the legs off his planned defense.

It was unfair, he said in court, for the judge to prevent him from arguing that there was nothing illegal about Stewart's Dec. 27, 2001, sale of ImClone Systems Inc. stock, so she had no reason to participate in the coverup she had been charged with. " -- Brooke Masters / Washington Post

This article points out the rocky road ahead for Ms. Stewart in the appeal phase of her journey. In the end one would not expect more than 8 - 12 months incarceration in a very low security "detainment" with stiff fines. The sentence is likely to be suspended or reduced even further. The feeling most people have is that she keeps digging her hole deeper with her out of courtroom above it all remarks. -- zzb

by ZZ Staff | 3/07/2004 12:13:00 AM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Friday, March 05, 2004

The Cookie Princess May Get Her Just Deserts

CNN.com - Most drama outside Stewart courtroom - Mar. 5, 2004
They carried red, hand-painted placards, each with the number four drawn in bold, black ink.

It was a signal to the cameras, reporters and crowd of onlookers that Stewart had been convicted on all four counts she had faced... - CNN

Although I think she was singled out, her contempt for the system, the Justice Department, and the SEC made this an even worse problem for her. Her arrogance in the early days of the investigation has come back to haunt her. We are all sure she will appeal... but nevertheless this should send a message No One - is above the law ! -- zzb

by ZZ Staff | 3/05/2004 06:40:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Govenor's Policy on Steroids ?

US News Article | Reuters.com: "By Michael Kahn and Jim Christie
SACRAMENTO (Reuters) - The early tally in a statewide California vote showed a commanding lead for a proposal to issue a record $15 billion bond, the centerpiece of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's plan to refinance the state's debt and avoid a crippling budget shortfall. "

Amazing ! He is doing it ! He is getting some things accomplished in the Golden State. Instead of iron Arnold has been pumping Prop 57 & 58 it looks like they are going to pass with a wide margin. I was out on the coast last week and saw some slick TV ads supporting it. Very nice. Arnold is using his media savy and PR know how to make his case to the people. I am sure he will be surprising his critics. Right on Arnold. Good luck. Now share some of that know how with Mr. Bush. He can use it ! -- zzb

by ZZ Staff | 3/03/2004 01:39:00 AM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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Monday, March 01, 2004

New York City: Fashion Shoot Slated for Israeli Barrier

New York City: Fashion Shoot Slated for Israeli Barrier: "JERUSALEM -- An Israeli fashion house plans to shoot its summer catalog at Israel's West Bank security barrier this week, the company said Monday, less than a week after troops shot dead two Palestinians protesting the network of walls, wire and ditches. " - AP / Newsday

If this is not the epitome of distaste I don't know what is. I wonder what kind of fashions they will be showing ? The lastest trend in flack jackets and gas masks ? Maybe some designer diamond studded shoulder holsters ? Has the world gone totally mad ? - zzb

by ZZ Staff | 3/01/2004 08:52:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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