Yahoo! News - Flights Disrupted As Terror Worries Mount
Yahoo! News - Flights Disrupted As Terror Worries Mount: "Flights Disrupted As Terror Worries Mount "
By PETE YOST, Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON - Terror concerns prompted the disruption of more than a half-dozen New Year's holiday flights, as U.S. authorities tightened the air safety net around the country with flight cancellations, airline searches and fighter jet escorts for some planes...... (more)
-- Certainly not a good time to be flying to the U.S. from the U.K. ! Let's hope as many of these international murderers as possible are rounded up and brought to justice for conspiracy to commit crimes against humanity.
By PETE YOST, Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON - Terror concerns prompted the disruption of more than a half-dozen New Year's holiday flights, as U.S. authorities tightened the air safety net around the country with flight cancellations, airline searches and fighter jet escorts for some planes...... (more)
-- Certainly not a good time to be flying to the U.S. from the U.K. ! Let's hope as many of these international murderers as possible are rounded up and brought to justice for conspiracy to commit crimes against humanity.
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