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Saturday, July 31, 2004

Musharraf Under Pressure !

Aljazeera.Net - Musharraf blamed for Iraq executions: "A shocked Pakistan on Thursday regretted the killing of two of its nationals by armed men in Iraq, and held President Pervez Musharraf as responsible for the killing.

Distraught relatives of the two captives Sajid Naeem and Azad Hussein Khan joined opposition parties in accusing the government of not doing enough to secure the hostages' release and of failing to rule out sending troops to Iraq, a reason cited by their captors for holding them.

...It is now clear for the world to see, that these dogs will do anything to further their cowardly cause. Include eat their own...

Hundreds of people converged on the men's homes in the remote Kashmiri village of Rawalakot, 75 kilometres (around 45 miles) northeast of Islamabad."
So begins the strategy of Muslims killing Muslims in order to undermine the new Iraqi government. It is now clear for the world to see, that these dogs will do anything to further their cowardly cause. Include eat their own ! Moderate Middle Eastern nations need to unite and show some solidarity of SUPPORT for the new gov't in Iraq and rally the average muslim against these radical fanatics ! Their cause is futile and they are now becoming desperate.

by ZZ Staff | 7/31/2004 08:25:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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