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Sunday, August 15, 2004

Iranian Missiles Target Israel

Aljazeera.Net - Iran warns missiles can hit Israel: "Iranian officials have made a point of highlighting the Islamic state's military capabilities in recent weeks in response to some media reports that Israeli or US warplanes could launch air strikes to destroy Iranian nuclear facilities.

Iran last week said it carried out a successful test-firing of an upgraded version of its Shahab-3 medium-range ballistic missile. Military experts said the unmodified Shahab-3 was already capable of striking Israel or US bases in the Gulf.

"The entire Zionist territory, including its nuclear facilities and atomic arsenal, are currently within range of Iran's advanced missiles," the ISNA student's news agency quoted Yad Allah Javani, head of the Revolutionary Guards political bureau, as saying on Sunday." More...
Is there any doubt that we are fast approaching the end times now ? These statements from Iran today certainly are not designed to demonstrate their willingness to unilaterally give up their nuke program.

...The entire Zionist territory, including its nuclear facilities and atomic arsenal, are currently within range of Iran's advanced missiles...

It makes one wonder if the nuclear standoff between US and USSR during the cold war era under the doctrine of Guaranteed Mutual Distruction will not evolve between Israel and a nuke enabled consortium of Islamic Fundamentalist States? Will that be the ultimate answer for co-existence in the Middle East? Think again. During all the years of the cold war the US and USSR did not overtly engage in terrorist acts against each other. Do we believe the same will really hold true in the middle east? Conflict over political ideology and strategic geo-political power between super-powers is NOT what we are talking about here ! Religious fanaticism and years of flat out hatred is. A set of factors that never really existed between the US and the USSR. Very dangerous times indeed! -- zzb

by ZZ Staff | 8/15/2004 05:43:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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