How viable is Kerry's exit strategy?
The article below was run in Al Jazeera earlier today. According to the article, most see Kerry's plan very similar to Bush's plan for democracy in Iraq. The difference being that somehow the EU will be quick to jump in if Kerry became the next president. Don't count on it !
Aljazeera.Net - How viable is Kerry's exit strategy?: "Will Europe help?That about sums it up. A good five years of occupation unless the Iraqi Gov't can handle security themselves with their own police and army.
'We must make Iraq the world's responsibility, because the world has a stake in the outcome and others should share the burden,' Kerry said in his New York address.
Some analysts, however, say a Kerry victory in November would have little impact on the international community in terms of more direct involvement in Iraq.
'Invading Iraq has created a crisis of historic proportions and if we do not change course, there is the prospect of a war with no end in sight'...I don't see [the Europeans] changing their tune in terms of sending mass numbers of troops...
Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry
'I have seen nothing to suggest that the Europeans would be more willing to get involved with a Kerry administration than with a Bush administration,' Yaphe said.
Although few analysts predict that major European countries such as France and Germany would send troops to Iraq under a Kerry administration, some suggest they might be willing to show support in other areas.
'I don't see [the Europeans] changing their tune in terms of sending mass numbers of troops, but I see them willing to participate [if Kerry becomes president],' said Peter Singer, a national security fellow at the Brookings Institution, a Washington thinktank." More...
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