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Wednesday, October 27, 2004

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Yasser Arafat 'very, very sick'

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Yasser Arafat 'very, very sick': "One cabinet minister, who asked not be identified, told Reuters that Mr Arafat, 75, was 'very, very sick'.

A crowd gathered, as a series of top Palestinian officials arrived. His wife Suha should arrive later on Thursday.

Israel says Mr Arafat can go anywhere for treatment, but it is unclear if he would be allowed back to the compound.

A top official told Reuters that if he leaves the West Bank, the question of whether he could return was 'a separate issue after he recuperates'.

Israel's policy has been that Mr Arafat is free to leave the compound where he is surrounded by Israeli troops, but may not be allowed to return."
He blew the best chance he had for his people years ago after the Camp David accords hosted by Bill Clinton. If he goes this week it would not have been a day too soon. I am sure there will be tears in the streets of Ramalah... along with teargas, bullets and pepperspray.

by ZZ Staff | 10/27/2004 09:57:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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