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Thursday, January 27, 2005

Jordan Will have Elections

It may not be a full democracy, but the King of Jordan, King Abd Allah is proposing a system for representative government at the local levels in his Kingdom.
Aljazeera.Net - Jordan plans local elections: "King Abd Allah of Jordan has announced plans to overhaul local government as part of his efforts to increase public participation in the kingdom's affairs.

The king on Wednesday said he wanted elected regional councils established to help set development priorities.

'Each region will have a local council directly elected by its people to work hand in hand with the elected municipal councils in the governorates to set priorities, and draw up plans and programmes related to their respective region,' he said."
Jordan has been an ally of the US and has generally played a mediating role in Middle Eastern politics. At the same time Lebanon passes a draft election law. Elections in Palestine, Iraq in a few days. Isn't this interesting. Elections yes... democracy? Well we are not so sure about that...

by ZZ Staff | 1/27/2005 08:33:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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