A Marriage Made in Hell

Iran and Syria -- a partnership in terror and hatred depicted here by C&F as a marriage made in hell. The Syrian and Iranian governments who support such groups as Hamas and Hezzboulah, whose terrorists focus on killing innocent civilians, need to be held accountable for their inaction in hunting down and destroying these groups. Indeed they need to be held accountable for supporting them financially and by sheltering their leadership. As this is being posted, victims of a suicide bombing in Tel Aviv, not more than a few hours ago, are being counted and body bagged.
So when will the UN take action? When hell freezes over. When will the EU take action and REALLY pressure Iran and Syria? When that same hell becomes host to the Winter Olympics.
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/02/marriage-made-in-hell.html |

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