BlogTraffic.Us Up and Running!
Blogtraffic.US has now activated it's surf sytem as of this past weekend. It is a blog surfing service similar to the others with a timed surf limit in exchange for free visitors. We will give it a whirl and add it to our SURVEY in the upper right hand corner of this site now that they have it fully activated. 

They need more sites so go ahead and add yours and couple it with our ZZOpenRing blogring while you are at it. ZZOpenRing is FREEWARE HTML code. More info... Using BOTH a blogring and a blog surf system amplifies the amount of traffic flowing to your site by the way! -- zzb

Here are some of the features we pulled off their site:
* 20 Second Surf Timer
* 0.5 (2:1) surf ratio for Free Member Accounts (higher ratio for Paid Member Accounts)
* 300 FREE CREDITS are given to all New Members
* Members are required to surf 50 sites to receive free credits
* Up to 3 urls are allowed for Free Member Accounts
* Earn Credits by visiting other member sites
* Earn Credits by referring others (up to 5 levels)
* Earn Credits or Cash by playing our Online Member Games
* Earn Credits or Cash from Members' Paid to Click Ads
* Win Extra Credits from Surfing Bonuses (pay close attention)
* You can Purchase Banner Ads, Text Ads, or Paid to Click Ads
* Paid Memberships available with more URLs, credits and more...
* We disclose full membership and downline information to you
* No popups, downloads, frame breakers, site rotators allowed!
* Only one account is allowed per person
* Only English Language sites will be accepted
* Only blog and blog-related sites will be accepted
They need more sites so go ahead and add yours and couple it with our ZZOpenRing blogring while you are at it. ZZOpenRing is FREEWARE HTML code. More info... Using BOTH a blogring and a blog surf system amplifies the amount of traffic flowing to your site by the way! -- zzb
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