Koran Desecration Didn't Happen
lgf: Koran Desecration Didn't Happen
The Koran-in-a-commode story never passed the sniff test, for a multitude of reasons, and now the detainee who made an allegation similar to Newsweek’s report (trumpeted to the media yesterday by the ACLU) has retracted it: Pentagon says detainee retracts Koran allegation.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Guantanamo detainee who told an FBI agent in 2002 that U.S. personnel there had flushed a Koran in a toilet retracted his allegation when questioned this month by military investigators, the Pentagon said on Thursday.
“We’ve gone back to the detainee who allegedly made the allegation and he has said it didn’t happen. So the underlying allegation, the detainee himself, within the last two weeks, said that didn’t happen,” chief Pentagon spokesman Lawrence Di Rita told a briefing.
Looks like Kos is wrong again: Daily Kos :: FBI: Newsweek was right." - LGF
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/05/koran-desecration-didnt-happen.html |

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