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Monday, June 20, 2005

Mary Carey Does Washington

You may have caught some of this "news worthy" story over the weekend. Excerpt from About Political Humor. Yes I agree --- Political Humor is more than an understatement.
Mary Carey Does D.C.: "Porn star Mary Carey says she's now a fully converted Republican after hobnobbing with GOP bigwigs at a fundraiser hosted by President Bush. The former California gubernatorial candidate and star of such films as 'Dual Airbags' and 'Some Like 'em Big' was disappointed, however, that she didn't get an opportunity to press the flesh with the president.

'I was told that they had people ready to tackle me if I tried to, you know, get up close to him,' Carey told MSNBC's Keith Olbermann. 'And they were worried about me maybe flashing or streaking through the dinner. And I mean, I can't believe they'd think I would do that. I'm a serious politician.'

Following is an excerpt from Keith Olbermann's amusing interview with Mary Carey:

CAREY: 'I really wanted to meet President Bush, though, like, you know, up close and personal. I was kind of disappointed.

OLBERMANN: And that never'that was never even close, that. (Guess what part of her anatomy he was refering to.) (See insert)

CAREY: No, they actually'I was told that they had people ready to tackle me if I tried to, you know, get up close to him. And they were worried about me maybe flashing or streaking through the dinner. And I mean, I can't believe they'd think I would do that. I'm a serious politician. I would never want to, you know, jeopardize my, you know, future career like that." More...
I love this line, which I did hear come from her own mouth on MSMBC... "I had a great time. You know, Republicans can party almost as much as porn stars ...So I want to keep going to Republican events. I‘m a fully converted Republican now. - Mary Carey ".

Washington politics. You gotta love it when you are not hating it!

by ZZ Staff | 6/20/2005 06:23:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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