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Friday, July 15, 2005

Calling It Like It Is !!

(Dallas Morning News) "Two words not uncommon to editorial pages are “resolve” and “sacrifice,” especially as they relate to war.

Today, this editorial board resolves to sacrifice another word – “insurgent” – on the altar of precise language. No longer will we refer to suicide bombers or anyone else in Iraq who targets and kills children and other innocent civilians as “insurgents.”

The notion that these murderers in any way are nobly rising up against a sitting government in a principled fight for freedom has become, on its face, absurd. If they ever held a moral high ground, they sacrificed it weeks ago, when they turned their focus from U.S. troops to Iraqi men, women and now children going about their daily lives.

They drove that point home with chilling clarity Wednesday in a poor Shiite neighborhood. As children crowded around U.S. soldiers handing out candy and toys in a gesture of good will, a bomb-laden SUV rolled up and exploded." Read More...

Finally a newspaper with some spine to call these animals what they are, TERRORISTS. The constant use of the word "insurgents" by the mainstream media in a feeble attempt to sanitize the acts and implying a noble rise against an oppressor, must to come to an end. In fact the liberal use of the words murdering cowards, criminals and serial killers would in our opinion be more appropriate than the nauseating Political Correctness of "insurgents". Bravo Dallas Morning News !

by ZZ Staff | 7/15/2005 10:36:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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