Interactive Point System Now Activated at ZZ OpenWeb
Yes, we have finally activated our Interactive Points System (IPS) at the ZZ OpenWeb.
Registered members accumulate POINTS for blog and forum posting, commenting, voting in polls, rating and visiting sites in our WebLinks Directory, sending blog posts to a friend and more. OpenWeb also provides you access to an array of free Blog Developers Tools and our Freeware Downloads section is also available to you at the 50 point level. More stuff is in store down the road at even higher levels!
So how do you earn POINTS? Stop by the OpenWeb and find out.
You can even cross post for points by submitting an article or post from YOUR blog with your references! How is that for extra site visability! We receive over 3000+ hits a week so why not register your site and get some free site exposure and join the OpenWeb community! - ZZ
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