"Analysis of carbon dioxide in the ancient Antarctic ice showed that at no point in the past 650,000 years did levels approach today's carbon dioxide concentrations of around 380 parts per million (ppm). The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) projects that atmospheric carbon dioxide levels could reach 450-550 ppm by 2050, possibly resulting in higher temperatures and rising sea levels (see 'Ocean levels rising twice as fast'). There is fear that climate change could create a class of environmental refugees displaced from their homes by rising oceans, increasingly catastrophic weather, and expanding deserts.
Carbon dioxide is the principal "greenhouse" gas thought to be driving global warming. Humans boost carbon dioxide levels primarily by the combustion of fossils fuels and deforestation, and accordingly, atmospheric concentrations have risen sharply since the industrial revolution. Today the United States, the world's largest economy and consumer of energy, produces about 24% of global carbon dioxide emissions. More...
Just remember this while you are pumping your favorite hydrocarbon fuel into your gas guzzling hyrdrocarbon converter this winter. Oh and let's not forget to burn another few million acres of forest globally while we are at it this spring. We need to ensure the expansion of more urban pavement to support -- what else -- more gas guzzling hydrocarbon converters in the so called "backward", "ignorant" and "un-developed" corners of the globe. We are so screwed! Look at this graph and then try to convince yourself that the so called most intelligent life form on this planet, has not out smarted itself in more ways than one!
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