(Tehran) Iran's government announced Wednesday that 40 ambassadors and senior diplomats, including supporters of warmer ties with the West, will be fired, continuing a purge of reformers as the regime takes an increasingly tough stance at home and abroad.
The diplomatic changes are part of a government shake-up by ultraconservative President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that includes putting Islamic hard-liners in key posts at security agencies. Some Iranians worry the president will bring back strict social policies."
The new president, elected in June, also generated a storm of international criticism last week when he called for
Israel's eradication, saying it should be "wiped off the map." More...
Will this be the next front in the "War on Terrorism" (aka State Sponsored Murder)? You bet. The match is lit and the fuse is in the powder keg! No doubt Israel has drawn up it's battle plans... surgical strike anyone? The next President will have his/her hands full, Republican or Democrat. See which flags are being burned in the photo! We better end the partisan politics in the "Homeland" and develop a clear dose of the reality in the next REAL threat in the Middle East.
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