Michael Jackson Spotted in Robe and Veil
(BAHRAIN) Michael Jackson visited a mall in Bahrain's capital Wednesday, covering himself in a black abaya robe traditionally worn by conservative Bahraini women and a veil hiding his face.
The 47-year-old pop star was accompanied by three children, apparently his, whose faces were covered with dark scarves. They wore yellow shirts and sweat pants or khakis, without robes.
Jackson, who seems to be settling in the Persian Gulf, was seen leaving Marina Mall holding a young child by the hand. On the way out through a back door, he shook hands with security guards.
He was wearing an abaya, a robe with long sleeves, under which his pants, white shirt and men's shoes could be seen. His head and face were wrapped in a black veil and he was wearing black gloves.
The veil, abaya and gloves were of a style typically worn by conservative Bahraini women, though Jackson appeared to be wearing them to hide his identity.
A woman wearing an abaya, jeans and a scarf over her head that partially covered her face accompanied Jackson. She asked photographers to respect their privacy, saying they were scaring the children.
Since his June acquittal in California on child molestation charges, Jackson has made several trips to Bahrain as a guest of Sheik Abdullah bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the son of Bahrain's king.
In November, Jackson stirred a small controversy in the United Arab Emirates by entering the ladies room in a shopping mall. His publicist, Raymone K. Bain, said Jackson didn't understand the Arabic sign on the door and left the bathroom when he realized his mistake."
Tell me this guy doesn't need to be committed to a mental institution! Just get a look at what he is doing to the child in this picture. Like having the kid live his life with a bag over his head!! Sharia law ???
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2006/01/michael-jackson-spotted-in-robe-and.html |

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