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Sunday, February 05, 2006

Islamic Neanderthals

The primitive mindless spectacle continues as the "Islamic Army of Iraq" suggests Danish citizens should be kidnapped and "cut... into as many pieces as the number of newspapers that printed the cartoons". Religion of peace my ass...
HatTip: Michelle Malkin
Michelle Malkin: FANNING THE FLAMES: "Ramadi, Iraq, February 5: Militant groups on Sunday called for attacks on Danish troops in Iraq and people from all countries where cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad have been published.

In an Internet statement, the Islamic Army of Iraq, which has claimed responsibility for killing foreign hostages, urged militants to kidnap Danes and 'cut them into as many pieces as the number of newspapers that printed the cartoons'.

'The Islamic Army in Iraq also declares that all countries whose newspapers printed the insulting and disgraceful pictures are legitimate targets and our response will be ... tremendous.'"

by ZZ Staff | 2/05/2006 03:38:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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