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Monday, February 27, 2006

U.A.E. Bans Boing Boing


Ok this is one for the Port Meisters. Seems like the U.A.E. is good at managing internet ports as well.
[Hat Tip: Michelle Milken]

We've decided not to rejig our editorial process to make it easier for a censorware company to block us for their customers. Instead, we're creating a clearinghouse of information on how to defeat censorware.

Last week, we reported that Boing Boing was blocked by entire countries including the United Arab Emirates, and by many library systems, schools, US government and military sites, and corporations.

Today, we've learned that Internet Qatar, the sole ISP in the State of Qatar, has also banned BoingBoing.

We've heard from librarians in Africa who want to watch the video of the American Register of Copyrights denouncing Congress, employees at the Australian Broadcasting Company, students, and workers around the world who can't gain access to our work. More...

Guess the folks over a Boing Boing have offended the sensibilites of the UAE as well as Quatar. I hope they are not planning any company cruises out of the U.S. any time soon.

by ZZ Staff | 2/27/2006 10:27:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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