Cat in Germany Saves Baby's Life
(BERLIN) "A cat saved the life of a newborn baby abandoned on the doorstep of a Cologne house in the middle of the night by meowing loudly until someone woke up, a police spokesman said on Saturday.
'The cat is a hero,' Cologne police spokesman Uwe Beier said. 'Its loud meowing got the attention of the homeowner and saved the baby from suffering life-threatening hypothermia. The homeowner opened door to see why the cat was making so much noise and discovered the newborn.'
Beier said the boy was taken to hospital at 5 a.m. on Thursday, when overnight temperatures fell towards zero, and had suffered only mild hypothermia. He said there was no indication of what happened to the boy's mother."
In a related story:
(KENMORE, Wash.) - This cat provided a very welcome wake-up call. Arwin was able to rouse her owner, Jaclyn Lane, about 4 a.m. Wednesday after their house caught fire.
Lane said when she woke up, she looked out her window and saw an orange glow. Lane, her mother and her mother's boyfriend were able to get out of the house safely, along with their alarm cat.
The fire burned through the back of the house, and into the kitchen and attic before firefighters were able to extinguish it. Northshore Fire spokeswoman Terri Jones said some of the family's other pets died in the fire.
Should there be a National Cat Holiday?
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