Michelle Malkin: GOD - NO; ALLAH - YES
The 9th Circuit once again proves itself to be an outrage to the judicial system in the U.S. A double standard rules supreme at the 9th circuit when it comes to challanging traditional Christian values.
"Compare and contrast...-- Hat Tip Michelle Malkin
In Dallas, a school district strikes the words 'In God We Trust' from the photo of an enlarged nickel on a yearbook cover for fear of offending students of differing religions.
In California, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals (the one that outlawed the Pledge of Allegiance for its reference to God) approved putting public school students through Muslim role-playing exercises. Investor's Business Daily reminds us:
In a recent federal decision that got surprisingly little press, even from conservative talk radio, California's 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled it's OK to put public-school kids through Muslim role-playing exercises, including:
Reciting aloud Muslim prayers that begin with 'In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful . . . .'
Memorizing the Muslim profession of faith: 'Allah is the only true God and Muhammad is his messenger.'
Chanting 'Praise be to Allah' in response to teacher prompts.
Professing as 'true' the Muslim belief that 'The Holy Quran is God's word.'
Giving up candy and TV to demonstrate Ramadan, the Muslim holy month of fasting.
Designing prayer rugs, taking an Arabic name and essentially 'becoming a Muslim' for two full weeks.
Parents of seventh-graders, who after 9-11 were taught the pro-Islamic lessons as part of California's world history curriculum, sued under the First Amendment ban on religious establishment. They argued, reasonably, that the government was promoting Islam.
But a federal judge appointed by President Clinton told them in so many words to get over it, that the state was merely teaching kids about another 'culture.'
So the parents appealed. Unfortunately, the most left-wing court in the land got their case. The 9th Circuit, which previously ruled in favor of an atheist who filed suit against the words 'under God' in the Pledge of Allegiance, upheld the lower court ruling.
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2006/05/michelle-malkin-god-no-allah-yes.html |

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