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Monday, May 01, 2006

Senators Quell Gas Price Anger with Tote Bag Offer

Scott Ott focuses the spotlight today on the incompetance of our legislature and their questionable marketing practices:
(WASHINGTON) — In an another election-year effort to quell voter anger at rising gasoline prices, Republicans in the Senate today proposed to give each American an attractive tote bag.

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-TN, said the tote bag will come with the $100 check he offered last week to help 100 million Americans pay for a week’s worth of gasoline.

The Republican caucus overwhelmingly chose the “consolation prize concept” over two other proposals. One plan called for making the U.S. a loyal colony of Venezuela, the other would fund alternative energy research to tap the wind generated by conservatives fleeing the Republican party.

Next week, the Republican caucus may announce a bill to boost the prize package by including a year’s supply of Eskimo Pies as “a lovely parting gift.”" -- Reported by Satirist Scott Ott
We suspect a full blown promotional campaign will follow complete with Sunday morning infomercials! Stay tuned... perhaps in addition to tote bags, you will also be able to get a free copy of the new "Laws! We don't need no stinking laws" tee shirts hand signed by Presidente Fox.

by ZZ Staff | 5/01/2006 06:42:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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