Hezbollah's Iranian C801 Missiles, Not Your Typical Terror Weapon
More is being learned each day about Iran's support of Hezboula in Lebanon by way of Syria. No doubt that Iran cannot be underestimated by either Israel or the U.S. There is little doubt that Iran intends to emerge as the new military opposition to Israel and any ally supporting Israel. It will remain to be seen if they have the courage to stand up to all of the G8 Nations should it come down to that. Learn about the history of the weapon used to strike the Israeli war vessel earlier this week fired from Lebanon with the help of alleged Iranian military personnel... It will surprise you. [Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit]
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The C-801 missile was developed in response to the Navy's need for small-scale missiles. Said to be derived from the French Exocet, the C-801 bears little external resemblance to this missile apart from nearly identical length and diameter, and in fact the triple control surfaces are rather similar to those found on the American Harpoon...
...Iran may have imported as many as 100 C-801s and eight launchers in 1987-88, and by 1994 it was claimed that Iran had about 200 C-801 missiles as well as the ability to produce the C-801 indigenously [under the designation "Tondar"]. Other reports in 1996 suggest that China was assisting Iran with a new antiship cruise missile -- the "Karus" -- which believed to be based on the C-801 and/or C-802. In June 1997 Iran tested two Chinese-built C-801 air-launched cruise missiles from an F-4 fighter. More...
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Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2006/07/hezbollahs-iranian-c801-missiles-not.html |

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