BlogSoldiers Makes a Frontal Assault
Today BlogSoldiers has announced a new campaign by it's new owner, John Bambenek, owner of Pentex Net, Inc., to increase membership with some great new promotional offers. If you are a member you will want to check those out! In addition... we suspect BlogSoldiers is planning to give BlogExplosion a run for it's money in the coming months.
Competition is a good thing and we are sure it will only benefit the blogging community who are in search of increasing their readership so we are happy to spread the word. They have a Surfing Contest for the month of August underway, the Top 10 surfers will receive up to 500 credits for having the most pages surfed between Aug 15 and Aug 31. Top surfer gets 500, 2nd gets 250, 3rd 150, 4th and 5th get 100, 6th-10th get 50.
If you are not signed up on BlogSoldiers now might be a good time to do it !!! Here are some intro splach pages suited for all blogging personalities... 70's Rockers , Trailer Trash? , Straight Laced Business Mama == the sarcastic dumb ass descriptions for these splash pages are our own :) Peace... -- ZZ
Competition is a good thing and we are sure it will only benefit the blogging community who are in search of increasing their readership so we are happy to spread the word. They have a Surfing Contest for the month of August underway, the Top 10 surfers will receive up to 500 credits for having the most pages surfed between Aug 15 and Aug 31. Top surfer gets 500, 2nd gets 250, 3rd 150, 4th and 5th get 100, 6th-10th get 50.
If you are not signed up on BlogSoldiers now might be a good time to do it !!! Here are some intro splach pages suited for all blogging personalities... 70's Rockers , Trailer Trash? , Straight Laced Business Mama == the sarcastic dumb ass descriptions for these splash pages are our own :) Peace... -- ZZ
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