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Saturday, August 26, 2006

CNN.com to Replay 9/11 Attacks Coverage

CNN will mark the fifth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks by replaying on the Internet the cable network's coverage of that day's events.

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What do you think about this decision by CNN Executives??? Do you feel it is exploitive to boost subscribers??? Or is their another agenda at work here.

For the day, CNN will make its online video service, CNN Pipeline, available for free. Normally, viewers pay $2.95 a month or $24.95 a year for four separate video feeds.

Online viewers will be able to watch live reports of memorial services through one of the feeds. So that viewers won't accidentally stumble upon graphic footage from 2001, the replay feed will be covered with a notice instructing users to click only if they want to watch...

We think it is down right appauling and keeping in the tradition of Mrs. CNN, Jane "Hanoi" Fonda Turner. What do you think? Is this decision an exploitive attempt by CNN to cash in on increasing their on line subscription $$'s or a respectful memorial tribute?? You tell us!

by ZZ Staff | 8/26/2006 05:56:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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