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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Chirac Looses His Mind

Chirac has now stated that Iran should NOT be refered to the Security Council for sanctions even though it is currently consistently violating prior UN resolutions. This is a man you has clearly lost his mind. The opitomy of dhimmitude!

French president Jacques Chirac has spoken out against imposing UN sanctions on Iran for its reluctance to suspend uranium enrichment and in favour of starting talks with the country before any pre-conditions are met.

"I don't believe in a solution without dialogue," Mr Chirac said in a rare interview with the French Europe-1 radio on Monday (18 September).

He stated that he had "never seen that sanctions were very effective," adding that he was "not pessimistic" over the prospect of a compromise deal with the "great nation" of Iran.

"We must first find an agenda for negotiations, then during these negotiations I suggest that, on the one hand, the six [the US, the UK, France, Germany, China and Russia] renounce involving the security council and Iran renounces uranium-enrichment during the negotiations," the French president said.

This is a man who is clearly subserviant to the Iranian political agenda and borders on questionable political sanity along with the President of Iran. Once again true to form, a French leader chooses appeasement instead of sanations and global containment of a rising enemy and threat to European freedom and culture. No lessons learned from 1940 sorry to say -- it must be a genetic thing.

by ZZ Staff | 9/19/2006 03:07:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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