N Korea Conducts Nuke Test

Has N. Korea passed the point of no return?? While the test is being confirmed by Western intel, the stock markets are sure to feel the effect. The Kosdaq (Korean Nasdaq) is down 7% at 4:58 GMT. So it's off to the U.S. Insecurity Council for long list of strong worded resolutions?
Six party talks, more global blackmail -- The world appears less safe going into the November elections. Where is John Kerry and Howard Dean when you need them? We want Bill!! We want Bill!! This calls for some heavy duty dialogue and fast talking diplomacy... (not to mention a few billion dollars in aid, and a tax hike to pay for it when the Dems take the House in a few weeks.) What will China's reaction be? Seems like a good time to invest in any company involved nuke defense technology. Can anyone say "Star Wars Missile Defense Systems" ?
(Pyongyang)- North Korea has performed its first-ever nuclear weapons test.
The country's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said the test was performed and that there had been no radioactive leakage from the site.
'The nuclear test is a historic event that brought happiness to our military and people,' KCNA said.
'The nuclear test will contribute to maintaining peace and stability in the Korean peninsula and surrounding region.'South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun has convened a meeting of security advisers over the issue.
South Korea's Yonhap news agency also reported that intelligence over the test has been exchanged between concerned countries.
The nuclear test was conducted at 10:36 am (0706 IST) in Hwaderi near Kilju city.
The North said last week it would conduct a test, sparking regional concern and frantic diplomatic efforts aimed at dissuading Pyongyang from such a move.
North Korea has long claimed to have nuclear weapons, but had never before performed a known test to prove its arsenal. " More...
Cold War Redux? Just when we thought the world was a grand ole place during the Clinton years -- the Roaring 90's if you will, it sure seems like we will be back to the JFK years again with perhaps the next Democrat in the White House... How's that for geo-political irony?
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2006/10/n-korea-conducts-nuke-test.html |

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