NJ Closer to Iranian Ideal
(TRENTON) — Democrat Gov. Jon S. Corzine today celebrated the New Jersey state legislature’s approval yesterday of a homosexual civil union bill which had been mandated by the state Supreme Court seven weeks ago.
“We rejoice to do the will of our wise, black-robed guardians,” said Gov. Corzine. “We have moved a step closer to true the progressive government enjoyed by our comrades in Iran, who also delight in complying with their Guardian Council.”
Democrats in the state House celebrated what one called “our eager obedience to the court’s mandate.”
“It’s so much easier to make laws when the court tells us what to write in advance,” said one unnamed Democrat, “It saves us months of wrestling with the issues, and we no longer have to discern the will of the ignorant masses. We just do what we’re told.”" -- as reported by satirist Scott Ott / ScrappleFace
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2006/12/nj-closer-to-iranian-ideal.html |

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