Hillary Clinton the Great Neutralizer
(Satire 2007-01-29) — Just a day after laughing along with the crowd at an Iowa campaign stop over a question about how her background prepares her to deal with “evil, bad men” Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-NY, today said such men must be “neutralized” and that she “knows how to do it.”
Despite her laughter about the “bad men” remark, Sen. Clinton said, “I was thinking of no one in particular, but whoever I was not thinking of will eventually pay for his nefarious deeds when I am president.”
Reporters speculated about whether her remarks referred to terror leader Usama Bin Laden, or perhaps even to her husband, former President Bill Clinton who violated their marriage covenant when he sexually abused a young White House intern.
The senator, however, refused to specify and simply said, “I wouldn’t be where I am today if I didn’t know how to neutralize such men.”
“If a bad man knows me at all,” she said, “he knows that I have always been able protect my liberty to pursue my vision for the future and I can do the same for the United States of America when I’m commander in chief.” [Hat Tip: Scott Ott / ScrappleFace]
Satire folks. Hillary know how to neutralize men. Barack Obama watch your back.
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2007/01/hillary-clinton-great-neutralizer.html |

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