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Saturday, January 06, 2007

Performancing and Feedburner: A Marriage in the Making?

It appears the deal is off between Performancing and PayPerPost:

Submitted by Nick Wilson on January 5, 2007 - 12:03am in

After much discussion, we've decided that the deal proposed by PayPerPost just isnt right for us or our community. It's regrettable that we should part ways as I still feel that Dan and Ted are stand up guys breaking new ground, but in the end, the deal was just not right for them or us.

As a result Performancing has decided to drop support of their Metrics software that has been in use by a number of websites as they feel they do not have the bandwidth to support it any longer.

But here is the kicker! Performancing is encourging their users to migrate to Feedburner and use their Blog Stats package which has just gone live recently:

Feedburner as Alternative for Metrics

If you're a Metrics user and dont want to wait around till the OS version of Metrics is developed (and this could take some time...), I highly recommend Feedburners Blog Stats which has just gone live. Dick and the FB guys are good friends of Performancing and I can't think of a better place to send the Performancing Metrics users.

Is it possible that these two companies are talking to each other to work on a closer partnership? Feedburner has been a fantastic service for webmasters and bloggers alike. Combining the talents of these two companies to enhance tools for bloggers and webmasters could be a marriage made in heaven. [ Unconfirmed -- ZZN ]

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by ZZ Staff | 1/06/2007 05:50:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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