Treasury Seeks Probe Into Papers Taken by O'Neill
Yahoo! News - Treasury Seeks Probe Into Papers Taken by O'Neill: "WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Treasury requested a probe on Monday of how a possibly secret document appeared in a televised interview of Paul O'Neill, as a book criticizing the Bush administration that uses material supplied by the ex-Treasury secretary hits the stores".....
Wow... this guy's goose is going to be cooked. I have a feeling Paul O'Neil is going to have some major issues from the Justice Department. Sharing goverenment documents on TV for political reasons is not very smart. In fact, I never did think this guy was very smart. He was opposed to the tax cuts.. and did NOTHING significant to improve the economy. Keep an eye on this story... it is loaded with political fall out !
Wow... this guy's goose is going to be cooked. I have a feeling Paul O'Neil is going to have some major issues from the Justice Department. Sharing goverenment documents on TV for political reasons is not very smart. In fact, I never did think this guy was very smart. He was opposed to the tax cuts.. and did NOTHING significant to improve the economy. Keep an eye on this story... it is loaded with political fall out !
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