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Friday, April 09, 2004


Victor Davis Hanson on War on Terror on National Review Online

This war grows stranger here at home and abroad all the time. Despite the horrific barbarism in Fallujah and the gun-toting and killing by the Shiites, the United States is ever so steadily establishing a consensual government of sorts under impossible conditions in Iraq. Meanwhile the Middle East watches the pulse of the conflict, wondering whether the Fallujah savages and the primordial Shiite extremists will succeed in Lebanonizing Iraq. Or will the American pressure for democracy and reform reverberate beyond Iraq and Afghanistan to move Libya, Pakistan, Iran, Syria, and the Saudis to greater transparency, consensual rule, and an end of their support for terrorists? The courage and sacrifice of thousands of American soldiers now determine whether those who dream of freedom step forward boldly into the light, or retreat meekly into the shadows — and whether we will be safe in our own homes. -- Victor Hanson / NRO

Were you wondering what happened to all those Iragi Elite Guard troops in the early weeks of the war? Well it should be fairly obvious to everyone -- they went underground to fight the gorilla war they planned and expected! After all it did work for the Vietnamees. Wear down the weak and decadent American public with public images of fear, horror and torture. Hostages, the ultimate nightmare. The press will be more than willing to cover it just as they hope.
-- zzb

by ZZ Staff | 4/09/2004 01:36:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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