Mass Extinction...
Two new studies published this week in Science that show steep declines in bird, butterfly and plant populations across Great Britain provide the strongest proof yet that we are in the midst of the sixth great extinction of life.The British analyzed six surveys covering virtually all of their native species populations over the last 40 years. They discovered birds and native plants had declined 54 percent and 28 percent respectively while butterflies experienced a shocking 71 percent decrease... By Stephen Leahy / Wired News
Could it be that Gaia is trying to tell us something ? Ran across this article in Wired News by Stephen Leahy which compiles some evidence that perhaps a very subtle natural cycle is unfolding. Seems like the delicate balances of life on this planet are beginning to show some signs of stress thanks to one so called "intelligent" species. Check out some of the details in the article. - zzb
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