Britsh Newspaper Forges Abuses
The New York Times > International > Europe > Parliament: Britain Says Photos Showing Abuse Are Fake: "'The truck in which the photographs were taken was never in Iraq,' Adam Ingram, the armed forces minister, told Parliament. 'Those pictures were categorically not taken in Iraq.'
Declining to give further details in a continuing investigation, he told lawmakers, 'this is not only the opinion of the Special Investigations branch' of the British military, but that it also had been 'independently corroborated.'
There were immediate calls in Parliament for Piers Morgan, the editor of The Daily Mirror, to resign and for the paper to publish a front-page apology. Mr. Ingram said 'those involved' in faking the photos 'may have committed criminal offenses under military laws.'
'It's an absolute disgrace that The Daily Mirror, in order to further its own political line and to damage the prime minister, has been prepared to besmirch the name of the Queen's Lancashire Regiment,' said David Barrow, a member of Prime Minister Tony Blair's Labor Party. "
It is interesting to what lengths LEFT WING media goes to in order to smear their conservative leadership !! - zzb
Declining to give further details in a continuing investigation, he told lawmakers, 'this is not only the opinion of the Special Investigations branch' of the British military, but that it also had been 'independently corroborated.'
There were immediate calls in Parliament for Piers Morgan, the editor of The Daily Mirror, to resign and for the paper to publish a front-page apology. Mr. Ingram said 'those involved' in faking the photos 'may have committed criminal offenses under military laws.'
'It's an absolute disgrace that The Daily Mirror, in order to further its own political line and to damage the prime minister, has been prepared to besmirch the name of the Queen's Lancashire Regiment,' said David Barrow, a member of Prime Minister Tony Blair's Labor Party. "
It is interesting to what lengths LEFT WING media goes to in order to smear their conservative leadership !! - zzb
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