A Few Days Off !!!
By Zardoz Z. Bachman
Will be on vacation in NYC for a few days this week and I am NOT going to take a PC with me! Amen. The Delaware Valley gets old after awhile and I need a break. It will be nice to compare Philly to NYC... hmm. Wonder if there even IS a comparison ? Have theater tickets to Moving Out, will visit the Intrepid, and do and see as much as I can see in and around Mid Town. Have Gallagher's Steakhouse booked, as well as Micheal Jordan's in Grand Central... looking forward to that. I'll fill you in when I return.... tell you if it was worth the $$.
P.S. Let's hope for the safe return of the hostages in Iraq and elsewhere... and for the Iraqi people to come to terms with the new responsibilites of their destiny and begin to take ownership for their own affairs. - zzb
Will be on vacation in NYC for a few days this week and I am NOT going to take a PC with me! Amen. The Delaware Valley gets old after awhile and I need a break. It will be nice to compare Philly to NYC... hmm. Wonder if there even IS a comparison ? Have theater tickets to Moving Out, will visit the Intrepid, and do and see as much as I can see in and around Mid Town. Have Gallagher's Steakhouse booked, as well as Micheal Jordan's in Grand Central... looking forward to that. I'll fill you in when I return.... tell you if it was worth the $$.
P.S. Let's hope for the safe return of the hostages in Iraq and elsewhere... and for the Iraqi people to come to terms with the new responsibilites of their destiny and begin to take ownership for their own affairs. - zzb
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2004/04/few-days-off.html |

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