A Rumor to Watch... Syria / North Korea / WMD ?
By Zardoz Z. Bachman
There is some speculation that the North Korean train explosion a few weeks ago had more to it than meets the eye. During one of the morning news shows this Sunday 5/16/04, a correspondent said that some sources indicate that Syrian government agents were aboard that train. Curiously the North Korean army responded in "chemical and bio-hazard" suits to one section of the derailed train. According to that reporter, there are un-confirmed reports that warheads might have been on board that train for destinations unknown when the accident occurred. The war heads were allegedly capable of delivering chemical or biological payloads.
It was also implied that Syrian involvement may be linked to the WMD rumored movements from Iraq to Syria weeks before the Iraq war began. One may recall some accounts that truck convoys were being monitored by US intelligence agencies during the weeks leading up the present conflict.
Draw your own conclusions. Especially if these rumors have any validity. If this is indeed the case... we need to wrap up Iraq and start drawing up plans with Israel to deal with their neighbor. We have not seen or heard anything further, yet this source revealed that this story was unfolding as something being investigated from "reliable sources". So don't read too much into it. One must wonder however about Colin Powell's presence in the area today in Jordan. Could it be possible that there really are links to Syria between these incidents ? Could it only be coincidence ? Is something brewing that may be leaked to mainstream media in the coming days ?...
There is some speculation that the North Korean train explosion a few weeks ago had more to it than meets the eye. During one of the morning news shows this Sunday 5/16/04, a correspondent said that some sources indicate that Syrian government agents were aboard that train. Curiously the North Korean army responded in "chemical and bio-hazard" suits to one section of the derailed train. According to that reporter, there are un-confirmed reports that warheads might have been on board that train for destinations unknown when the accident occurred. The war heads were allegedly capable of delivering chemical or biological payloads.
It was also implied that Syrian involvement may be linked to the WMD rumored movements from Iraq to Syria weeks before the Iraq war began. One may recall some accounts that truck convoys were being monitored by US intelligence agencies during the weeks leading up the present conflict.
Draw your own conclusions. Especially if these rumors have any validity. If this is indeed the case... we need to wrap up Iraq and start drawing up plans with Israel to deal with their neighbor. We have not seen or heard anything further, yet this source revealed that this story was unfolding as something being investigated from "reliable sources". So don't read too much into it. One must wonder however about Colin Powell's presence in the area today in Jordan. Could it be possible that there really are links to Syria between these incidents ? Could it only be coincidence ? Is something brewing that may be leaked to mainstream media in the coming days ?...
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2004/05/rumor-to-watch-syria-north-korea-wmd.html |

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