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Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Al-Qaeda spells out Iraq attack strategy in handbook !

Al-Qaeda spells out Iraq attack strategy in handbook: report: "PARIS (AFP) - Al-Qaeda reportedly planned to target Spain as the weakest link of the coalition in Iraq to force its troop pullout, according to a document from the terror network.
'We consider that the Spanish government cannot suffer more than two to three strikes before pulling out (of Iraq) under pressure from its own people,' said the document obtained Wednesday by AFP from Raido France International's regional office in Beirut.
'If these (Spanish) forces remain after the strikes, the victory of the socialist party would be near-guaranteed and the pullout of Spanish forces from Iraq would be on its agenda,' said the document, distributed ahead of the March 11 attacks in Madrid.
Socialist Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, elected after the train bombings in Madrid which left 191 people dead in Spain's worst ever terrorist attack, withdrew Spanish troops from the troubled country in May."...

by ZZ Staff | 6/30/2004 03:47:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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