Car Bombings and Dancing Fools
According to reporters in Iraq, citizens were rejoicing at 13 innocent civilian workers being killed. The following is an article covered on the AP wite news.
My Way News: "BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - A car bomb shattered a convoy of Westerners in Baghdad Monday, killing at least 13 people, including three General Electric workers and two bodyguards. Crowds rejoiced over the attack, dancing around a charred body and shouting 'Down with the USA!'With only two weeks to go, the violence will mount in an effort to drive our U.S. troops out early. The end game is so muddy and we have lost so much credibility, the violence will only continue as we continue to appear as "occupiers" to the average Iraqi citizen. The real answer lies in democracy yes, but it needs to be their's not our's that they embrace. Ironically that sword cuts in both directions. And what of Sadam ?? -zzb...crowds rejoiced over the attack, dancing around a charred body...
The blast, during the morning rush hour near busy Tahrir Square, was the second vehicle bombing in Baghdad in as many days amid an upsurge of bloodshed in the capital only two weeks before the formal end of the U.S.-led occupation. Iraq's interior minister said he believed foreigners carried out the attack, and Prime Minister Iyad Allawi accused Jordanian-born terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi of trying to disrupt the transfer of sovereignty. Al-Zarqawi, believed to have contacts with al-Qaida, is accused in last month's decapitation of American Nicholas Berg."
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