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Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Chalabi Turncoat

VOANews.com: "U.S. officials have revealed some details about their split with Iraqi politician Ahmad Chalabi, who was once credited by key Defense Department officials for information on Iraqi weapons leading to the U.S. invasion.
U.S. officials are reported as saying that Mr. Chalabi told Iran the United States had broken Iranian secret codes, allowing U.S. intelligence officials to read spy service communications. The New York Times quotes U.S. officials as saying the former Iraqi exile told Iran's top intelligence official in Baghdad six weeks ago that the United States had cracked the codes. "

Is anyone surprised? This is the level of integrity we are dealing with in that part of the world. One has to wonder why this guy had such information in the first place? How did he get it ? Was it leaked or was it another intelligence blunder ? Clearly he must have some ties with Iran and should be investigated as to his motives.

by ZZ Staff | 6/02/2004 08:55:00 AM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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