Gun Safety - Beyond the Political Debate
This is a great article on the merits of Firearm Safety. Regardless of your political persuasion, it makes sense to support firearm safety. Take a minute and read from the article below published in the 2nd website.
My wife is a 3rd grade teacher. She has had virtually no luck in bringing up the issue of gun safety training in the school curriculum. There are plenty of curriculum elements relating to safety at home with respect to fire and accidents. Interesting that gun safety, for all the concern out there, is still politically incorrect to discuss. Sad.. very sad. - zzb
"We are hearing more and more each day about accidents and sadly to say, crimes, involving firearms.
Each time a tragedy involving a gun is publicized, we hear a barrage from one side of the political fence demanding more gun control, and an equally thunderous volley from the other side with something along the lines of 'guns don't kill people, people kill people'. We spend a lot of time arguing about how many bullets a gun should shoot, how long the barrel should be, and how fast it should fire.
One of the things that seems to get overlooked is the fact that there are millions of firearms already in the possession of millions of Americans, and that most of those firearms are legal to today's standards. What can we do to prevent the accidents and even some of the crimes we hear about?It makes no difference on which side of the political fence you sit, you can do your part to further gun safety. If you don't own guns and don't want your children to have guns, at least teach them what to do if they were to come across a gun. Teach them to never pick up a gun. Tell them to get an adult immediately. Treat all guns as if they were loaded. A gun is never to be played with, no matter how enticing it may be, or how many of their friends may be urging them to do so. For those of you who do have guns, the same rules apply. Also teach your children the proper use and safety when handling guns and that guns should not be handled"
...One of the things that seems to get overlooked is the fact that there are millions of firearms already in the possession of millions of Americans, and that most of those firearms are legal...
My wife is a 3rd grade teacher. She has had virtually no luck in bringing up the issue of gun safety training in the school curriculum. There are plenty of curriculum elements relating to safety at home with respect to fire and accidents. Interesting that gun safety, for all the concern out there, is still politically incorrect to discuss. Sad.. very sad. - zzb
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