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Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Iranian Retaliatory Strike Capability

Aljazeera.Net - Iran to hit Dimona if Israel attacks:
"'If Israel fires one missile at Bushehr atomic power plant, it should permanently forget about Dimona nuclear centre, where it produces and keeps its nuclear weapons, and Israel would be responsible for the terrifying consequence of this move,' General Muhammad Baqir Zolqadr warned on Wednesday." More ...
Iran is posturing and threatening Israel with a counter attack with it's new intermediate range missle if Israel strikes the Iranian nuclear power generation facilites. The statement came a few days after the Islamic republic conducted what it called a successful test of an upgraded version of its conventional medium-range Shahab-3 missile. There should be no doubt that the playing field is leveling in a very dangerous and ominous way. This story is taking back seat to the conflict in Iraq yet it has a greater potential for instability and destruction than the installation of a new Iraqi government. The political debate over the balance of power in the Middle East is just getting started. Iran, and Iranian Fundamentalism has always been the bigger problem of the two.

Exactly what pressure that impotent body the U.N. will put to bear on containing WMD proliferation remains to be seen. Anyone have a microscope to see it ? - zzb

by ZZ Staff | 8/18/2004 11:38:00 AM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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