Ralph Nader step aside. Here comes the next ego maniac that just can't resist getting infront of a TV camera to speak to the American people. Consider how powerful your very simple act of voting is when it can draw this much mindshare from lunatics like Bin Laden.
"Looking healthy and defiant in a video released from hiding to Al Jazeera TV just four days before the U.S. presidential poll, bin Laden accused Bush of complacency during the Sept. 11 attacks, mocking him for going on with a visit to a school.
'Despite entering the fourth year after Sept. 11, Bush is still deceiving you and hiding the truth from you and therefore the reasons are still there to repeat what happened,' he said, making his clearest claim yet of responsibility.
In what seemed a deliberate attempt to influence Tuesday's U.S. election, bin Laden used the opening line: 'O American people, I am speaking to tell you about the ideal way to avoid another Manhattan, about war and its causes and results.'"
He obviously recognizes the power of the American people's will. But underestimates their intelligence to see through to his agenda of blackmailing Americans with fear to vote for a President that will keep America out of the affairs of the Middle East. I wonder which candidate that would be ? Primary agenda? Get out of the Middle East so radical islamics can continue their crusade against westernized central governments in the middle east, Saudi, Jordanian, Iraqi, Isreali un encumbered by US interference! Wake up America ! - zzb
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