Mt. St. Helens - Just Hot Air ?

Scientists, who continued to warn that the volcano could blow at any moment, stopped short of calling the steam burst an actual eruption, saying no volcanic material apparently was emitted. The steam quickly dissipated and did not threaten any structures near Mount St. Helens.
Even if a larger eruption comes, officials say there was little or no chance of a repeat of the mountain's lethal 1980 explosion, or Hawaiian-style lava flows. The eruption 24 years ago blew 1,300 feet off the top of the peak, killed 57 people and coated much of the Pacific Northwest with ash. More...
Jeff Wynn, chief scientist for volcano hazards in nearby Vancouver, Wash., said the lava dome within the crater had risen another 100 feet in the dome's southern area.
"Something is driving - like a piston - something is driving up. We believe it's magma. We believe new magma is involved. And new magma is potentially more gas rich and therefore more explosive," Wynn said.
The action at Mount St. Helens has drawn thousands of visitors to the monument, including Patricia Cusic of Live Oak, Fla., who arrived Saturday with her daughter, and her three grandchildren who live in Arlington.
"Now we can go home and say, 'Hey, we saw a volcano erupting!' This was a good time to come," Cusic said excitedly at the Coldwater Ridge Visitors Center, about 8 1/2 miles from the rim.
During the weekend, officials shut down areas closer to the mountain as a precaution. The Johnston Ridge Observatory, about five miles from the crater, was evacuated, and most air traffic was prohibited within a 5-mile radius of the volcano. -- Gene Johnson / My Way News
Wonder if Mt. St. Helens will prempt the Debates this week for the top news story.
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