Bird Flu Could Kill Millions
As if we did not have enough to worry about in the Middle East, Iran with a nuke, and that mad man in N. Korea, along comes a distraction. What distraction you are asking? Well you see it is very early yet in the flu season, and what some World Health Organization officials are spending their time worrying about has not made front page news yet. Wait till about January or February when the flu season is upon us in earnest. Check this out... - zzb
"Health officials are concerned about a Bird Flu outbreak they say could kill millions of people.
The World Health Organization says as many as seven million people could die and billions of others could get sick from a flu pandemic that could be triggered by the Asian Bird flu.
The virus first spread among chickens, but killed 32 people this year in Thailand and Vietnam. Scientists say the best way to control the disease is to make changes in the way animals are raised for food." More...
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