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Sunday, December 12, 2004

Bush Nominates "the Nanny" to Replace Kerik

Political Satire Review: Another astute parody over at Scrappleface. Scott Ott once again takes a twisted look at the domestic nanny slip up that embarrassed Bernard Kerik late yesterday. Here is what Scott had to say in his typically insightful fashion:
Just hours after Bernard Kerik withdrew his name from consideration as the next director of Homeland Security, President George Bush is reportedly set to nominate his replacement.

A senior administration official said the nomination would likely go to the illegal alien who once worked for Mr. Kerik as a nanny and was paid "under the table."

"The president sees the nanny nomination as win-win-win on several fronts," said the unnamed official. "She obviously knows how to penetrate our borders, so she'll be terrific running Homeland Security. As a gainfully-employed illegal alien, she'll help promote Mr. Bush's guest worker visa initiative. And since Kerik didn't pay into Social Security for her, she'll help Bush promote private retirement accounts."

The White House is withholding the name of the alleged nominee until she can be located and naturalized. -- Scott Ott / Scrappleface
It does seem a bit ironic, doesn't it? What's even more fascinating, and frightening, is the fact that party politics is driving the agenda with regard to homeland security. We suspect it will continue regardless of what's in our overall national best interest. Here we see the country's so called "Top Cop" going down in flames because he forgets about his housekeeper's taxes! Yes... let's make sure we keep our agendas straight up there on Capitol Hill, we would not want to face any political opposition from the Democrats now would we?

Ironically our own national politics is rapidly becoming our greatest weakness and maybe our most insidious homeland security threat!

by ZZ Staff | 12/12/2004 01:37:00 AM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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