Logtar's Blog - Eclectic Film & Literature Commentary - Welcome !
If you are interested in reading a first class Film and Literature Commentary Blog you will want to check out Logtar's Blog, a new member of our ZZ OpenRing community! Here is a sample...
Check it out, you will find an interesting mix of commentary laced with a clean fresh presentation. You wont be sorry and we bet you'll bookmark it. - zzbLogtar's Blog12/6/2004
Run Lola Run (****)
Blogged under: Reviews logtar @ 2:22 pm
It's difficult to create a film that's fast paced, exciting, and aesthetically appealing without diluting its dialogue. Run Lola Run, directed and written by Tom Tykwer, is an enchanting balance of pace and narrative, creating a universal parable that leaps over cultural barriers. This is the story of young Lola (Franka Potente) and her boyfriend Manni (Moritz Bleibtreu). In the space of 20 minutes, they must come up with 100,000 deutsche marks to pay back a seedy gangster, who will be less than forgiving when he finds out that Manni incompetently lost his cash to an opportunistic vagrant. More...
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2004/12/logtars-blog-eclectic-film-literature.html |

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