Poll: Most Americans Think Iraq War Not Worth Fighting
According to the Washington Post, "Most Americans Think Iraq War Not Worth Fighting" This headline based on a poll conducted over the weekend by the Washington Post. With the level of insurgency mounting, President Bush seemed also to imply today that the "...bombers are having an effect..." in Iraq. This survey, along with his statements today, appear to indicating that Americas are beginning to feel that the War in Iraq was ill concieved, but the thought of a Kerry Administration and a liberal White House, was not an attractive alternative. Sure doesn't say much for John Kerry and John Edwards. Anybody hear from them lately ?
The recent ramblings of Rumsfeld, and now today from the President, are a growing cause for concern. Iraq is a hairs breath away from Civil War, as was pointed out today by the Iraqi leadership. What an optomistic pair ! Nothing like providing morale support to your enemy in public ! -- ZZ News StaffMost Americans now believe the war with Iraq was not worth fighting and more than half want to fire embattled Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, the chief architect of that conflict, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll.
The survey found that 56 percent of the country now believes that the cost of the conflict in Iraq outweighs the benefits, while 42 percent disagreed. It marked the first time since the war began that a clear majority of Americans have judged the war to have been a mistake.
Barely a third of the country approves of the job that Rumsfeld is doing as defense secretary, and 52 percent said President Bush should sack Rumsfeld, a view shared by a big majority of Democrats and political independents. [ Washington Post] More...
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