ScrappleFace Helps Raise Disaster Relief Funds
Bloggers are an interesting lot. We have a lot to say about everything and anything. One noteworthy satirst is doing something about the tsunami disaster off the coast of Sumatra, and not just writing about it. Scott Ott, and ScrappleFace readers have raised over $1,400 dollars in a matter of hours to assist the victims in Southern Asia. ScrappleFace, a primarilly satrical publication which normally satirizes current events, is focusing some of it's energy and reach of readership to help victims through the Southern Baptist Diaster Relief fund.
Here are some links to follow that are ligitimate alternatives to the International Red Cross...
North American Mission Board
Save The Children
Other Links at (Thought Provoking Insights on India)
Board of Missions Homepage
You can even contribute through PayPal off Scott's site if you are so inclined.
As Scott says at the end of his article... "Many people worldwide have a distorted, inaccurate view of Americans and Christians. Let's show them the truth with our deeds."
ScrappleFace: Asian Disaster Relief Via Evangelical Agency: "I have worked, briefly, side-by-side with crews from Southern Baptist Disaster Relief during a flood in Missouri and after the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. Southern Baptist Disaster Relief crews are organized, energetic and effective. They bring not only food, water, shelter and cleaning supplies to victims quickly, but they bring the kind of comfort that can only come from a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. They do not discriminate on any basis. Their help is freely available to all, without a litmus test or sermon." More...Read the comments on his NON-SATIRICAL posting today. You will discover something about the blogosphere that may surprise you ! I am sure there are skeptics out there, but we would prefer donating to a Christian Relief Fund, than to the International Red Cross, which seems to be politically biased of late. You make up your own mind. Just don't underestimate what happens, when some 24,000+ people loose their lives in a disaster like this. It's gratifying to see that blogging power and the internet does more than just raise presidential campaign money !
Here are some links to follow that are ligitimate alternatives to the International Red Cross...
North American Mission Board
Save The Children
Other Links at (Thought Provoking Insights on India)
Board of Missions Homepage
You can even contribute through PayPal off Scott's site if you are so inclined.
As Scott says at the end of his article... "Many people worldwide have a distorted, inaccurate view of Americans and Christians. Let's show them the truth with our deeds."
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