New Insurgents Flip Zarqawi the Blue Finger!
In the news today western journalists have been disrupted and dealt a severe blow to their usual barrage of negative journalism by a new group of new insurgents. Only Al Jazeera seemed to have the stamina to stay the course finding as many negative elements to report on and were able to fight off the on slaught of this new "insurgency" which attacked treasured Iraqi traditions of the glory days of Saddam. The following is an accounting from an "embed" said to be close to the scene of this new disruptive force sweeping Iraq. Sources say that a cultish "blue stained" index finger may be the secret sign of this new conspiracy. Or, as the embed puts it, one of "tyranny's traitor's". 
From the looks of it, one might say this new movement gives new meaning to "giving someone the finger". It has been rumored that the "blue finger" of insurgenye has been flipped openly and often at Zarqawi and not the ultra liberal cut and run brigades in the US and the EU. We are still investigating however as this story unfolds.

ScrappleFace: Iraqi Voting Disrupts News Reports of Bombings: "Iraqi Voting Disrupts News Reports of Bombings
by Scott Ott
(2005-01-30) -- News reports of terrorist bombings in Iraq were marred Sunday by shocking graphic images of Iraqi 'insurgents' voting by the millions in their first free democratic election.
Despite reporters' hopes that a well-orchestrated barrage of mortar attacks and suicide bombings would put down the so-called 'freedom insurgency', hastily-formed battalions of rebels swarmed polling places to cast their ballots -- shattering the status quo and striking fear into the hearts of the leaders of the existing terror regime.
Hopes for a return to the stability of tyranny waned as rank upon rank of Iraqi men and women filed out of precinct stations, each armed with the distinctive mark of the new freedom guerrillas -- an ink-stained index finger, which one former Ba'athist called 'the evidence of their betrayal of 50 years of Iraqi tradition.'
Journalists struggled to put a positive spin on the day's events, but the video images of tyranny's traitors choosing a future of freedom overwhelmed the official story of bloodshed and mayhem." - Scott Ott / ScrappleFace - on the scene - Baghdad
From the looks of it, one might say this new movement gives new meaning to "giving someone the finger". It has been rumored that the "blue finger" of insurgenye has been flipped openly and often at Zarqawi and not the ultra liberal cut and run brigades in the US and the EU. We are still investigating however as this story unfolds.
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