Lebanese Government to Resign - Seeking Democracy
Significant uprising in Lebanon against the occupation of Syrian forces is occuring in full force and Syria has yet to respond. We are witnessing Democracy on the spread in the Middle East just as President Bush had predicted. The succesful Iraqi voting process with 8 million Iraqi citizens casting their ballot was enough to spark the collapse of the Lebaneese government under the weight of the will of their people.
Lebanon's Prime Minister Umar Karami has said the whole government is to resign as opposition figures call for popular protests to continue until Syrian troops leave the country.It will be interesting to observe Syria's reaction, which has been under a high degree of scrutiny by the U.S. Even after turning over the brother of Sadam Housain to the Iraqi authorities.Karami told parliament in Beirut on Monday: "Out of concern that the government does not become an obstacle to the good of the country, I announce the resignation of the government I had the honour to lead."
The announcement was greeted with laud applause in the national assembly, where the opposition was seeking a vote of no confidence to bring down the government.
The battle is long, and this is the first step, this is the battle for freedom, sovereignty and independence," opposition MP Ghattas Khouri said.
Tens of thousands of demonstrators gathered at the nearby Martyrs' Square, amid a sea of red and white Lebanese flags, broke into singing the national anthem on hearing the news.
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/02/lebanese-government-to-resign-seeking.html |

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